A-Z Students International Business and Management Studies

Muller-Lulofs building (MLH) | Amstel Campus

Regular opening hours

Mon 07:30 - 19:00
Tue 07:30 - 19:00
Wed 07:30 - 19:00
THu 07:30 - 19:00
Fri 07:30 - 19:00

Closed (public) holidays

  • 17 Feb - 23 Feb*
  • 18 April
  • 21 April
  • 28 April - 2 May*
  • 5 May
  • 29 - 30 May
  • 9 June
  • 12 July - 17 August*

Open during 2 summer holiday weeks:
7 July -11 July opening hours 7:30 - 19:00
18 August - 22 August opening hours 7:30 -19:00

* In this period the following locations will be open:

The Nicolaes Tulphuis/Tania Leonhuis, Wibauthuis and Hogehilweg (for staff only). During the May recess, 28 April - 2 May, the Koetsier-Montagnehuis is also open.

Building accessibility

There is a wide door next to the revolving doors of the Muller-Lulofs building's main entrance. Wheelchair users can use the intercom to ask for assistance. For more information, see Accessibility of AUAS buildings.

Parking spaces for wheelchair users

Parking garages operated by Q-Park are located underneath the Kohnstamm and Wibaut buildings. A number of spaces are reserved for wheelchair users. For more information, see Parking.

Route inside building

Find route inside the Muller Lulofs building .

Published by  Facility Services
 Muller-Lulofs building (MLH) | Amstel Campus
Wibautstraat 5a
1091 GH Amsterdam
020 595 4900