A-Z Students Amsterdam Fashion Institute
Dutch Terms
Official Dutch terms translated into English:
- Afstudeeropdracht (OA): final assignment (FA)
- Afstudeerrichting: specialisation
- Assessment: ditto
- Assessor: ditto
- Beoordeling: grading
- Centrale Medezeggenschapsraad: central participation council
- College: lecture
- College van Beroep: examination appeal board
- College van Bestuur: board of governors
- Competentie: competence
- Directeur: director, head of institute, dean
- Examen: examination
- Examencommissie: board of examiners
- Examinator: examiner
- Groepsopdracht: group assignment
- Instelling: institution
- Keuzepunten: optional credits, elective credits
- Leerdoelen: learning objectives
- Medezeggenschapsraad: institute participation council
- Minister: ditto (the Minister of Education, Culture and Science)
- Onderdeel: component
- Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER): education and examination regulations
- Opleiding: programme
- Opleidingscommissie: programme committee
- Post-propedeuse: main phase
- Praktijk: practical (training)
- Programma: study programme
- Propedeuse: foundation year, propaedeutic
- Student: ditto
- Studentendecaan: student counsellor
- Studentenstatuut: student charter
- Studiejaar: academic year
- Studieloopbaanbegeleider: study career coach
- Studiebelastingsuur: hour(s) of study
- Studiepunt: study credit
- (Summatieve) toets: (cumulative) test/exam
- WHW: ditto