A-Z Students Amsterdam Fashion Institute
Student Committee AMFI
AMFI's Student Committee (OC in Dutch) means students representing students. We are your megaphone. We gather and formulate student’s opinions and make changes at school.
On this page:
All ideas, praises and of course also complaints are welcome to be discussed and solved during our meetings. It allows students to have a high input in the school policy and helps forming it in everybody’s benefit. Furthermore we have quality control tasks such as checking the study manuals and the OER (student’s rights and duty). You should always keep in mind that everything what you do, represents the AMFI students, so keep in touch with them!
The OC will handle complaints and/or problems confidentially. When receiving complaints the OC will pass them on to the right persons. In case a student does not want to be mentioned, this will be respected by the OC and will thus be handled anonymously.
How to contact us?
We have a pigeon hole (search for our Dutch name: Opleidingscommissie) as well as an email address (oc-amfi@hva.nl), through which you can easily get in touch with us. If you are thinking about joining the OC you are welcome to sit in on one of our weekly meetings. Just write us and we will invite you! (We are especially searching for first year students to get input of every year!)
Our functions in detail
The OC meets regularly and twice a semester with the director. The latter meetings are summarised in minutes which you can find below. There are also Meetings with the heads of each department each semester to evaluate the experiences of students and teachers.