Relevant sources of information in addition to the Teaching and Examination Regulations
- Students’ Charter: sets out all the rights and obligations of students and prospective students. The Teaching and Examination Regulations form part of the Students’ Charter.
- Course catalogue: the digital information source containing all relevant information on the degree programme and the modules.
- Test protocols: detailed rules governing how tests and partial tests are administered.
- Code of Conduct for Student Counsellors: guidelines for the professional conduct of student counsellors.
- Studying with a disability: details of the special arrangements available for students with a disability.
- Top-level Sports Regulations: contains details of the special arrangements available for students who are top-level athletes.
- Entrepreneurships Regulations: contains details of special arrangements available for students who are entrepreneurs.
- Education and assessment policy:AUAS agreements on quality and quality control of assessment.
- Examination Board Regulations: these govern the composition, tasks and procedures of the Examination Board (only available in Dutch).
- Selection list of the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences: contains rules governing retention times for tests and certificates (only available in Dutch).
- Privacy Policy: contains the measures of the AUAS with regard to the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) and the Data Protection Act (Wbp), (only available in Dutch).
- Undesirable behavior regulation AUAS.