Any questions on Brightspace?

Check these FAQ's to find the answer to your question.

You log in to Brightspace using your AUAS e-mail address and corresponding password.

You can request a new password via Select 'Account activation / Forgot Password.

The site asks for your User ID. This is your AUAS ID. Your AUAS ID is provided in the welcome letter you were sent by email after you enrolled at the AUAS.

If you want to change your password, log in on using your AUAS ID and password and then choose the option 'My Information'. Do not forget to click 'Apply' when finished.

In that case you are not yet enrolled to your courses. Navigate to the Course Selector on MyAUAS and enroll to the courses of your programme. Still don't see any courses in Brightspace? Please contact Servicedesk ICT Services, +31 (0)20 595 1402 or ICTS Selfservice.

Yes, you can. The website of Brightspace is well accessible for all devices.

The Pulse app gives you an overview of the courses you are enrolled in. By clicking on one of these courses you will immediately reach the content page as you know it from the web version.
In the app you can also see the descriptions of the content and you can click on assignments. This will link you to the mobile version and you will have to log in with your AUAS credentials.
You can also view your achieved grades and you can set push notifications. Notifications can be found in your account settings by clicking on your name at the top right.

No. It could be the case that you will find some results in your Gradebook (see Administration > Grades). However, you can find your official results at

Troubles or questions?

Your lecturer will be happy to help. If your lecturer doesn't have the answer to your question, call the Servicedesk ICT Services at +31 20 595 1402 or fill out the form via ICTS Selfservice. For technical issues or login problems you can also go to your faculty's service point.

Published by  ICT Services 14 August 2024