
Recently, the HvA decided to discontinue 'Padlet' as of November 10, 2024, due to cost considerations. As an alternative, you can use Microsoft Whiteboard. With this tool, just like with Padlet, you can collaborate on a digital board where you can add content such as links, images, and videos.

Please note: There is currently no downloadable version of MS Whiteboard for MacOS. We advise Mac users to use the browser version.

Instructions for saving your Padlet boards

After November 10, you will no longer be able to log in to the HvA environment of Padlet, and the boards you have worked on will no longer be available. Therefore, make sure to save your Padlet boards by downloading them as images. Follow the instructions below to do so.

  1. Open Padlet via:
  2. Click on the Padlet you want to download. If you want to download several Padlets, you will have to open them 1 by 1 and follow the instructions below (unfortunately this is not possible in one go).
  3. Click the Share button in the top right menu:

Picture of the 'Save' button

4. Scroll down (to the Export heading)

Picture of the Export Heading

4. Choose one of the options:

  • With the 'image' and 'PDF' options, you download a visual representation of the Padlet board. If you choose the 'image' option, the image may open in a browser window. In that case, you will need to right-click on the image and select the option "Save image as" (or something similar).
  • With the 'CSV' and 'Excel spreadsheet' options, you only download the data from your Padlet (comments, text, links, etc., along with some metadata), but not the visual layout.

Published by  ICT Services 8 October 2024