A-Z students international business

Digital examination off-campus

When a central, digital exam is taken at an off-campus exam location, you take the exam on a secure examination laptop or computer. In that case, you do not need to bring your own laptop.

It is also important to know that:

  • You cannot log in to a digital exam without your AUAS login details. You must always log in with your own AUAS login details (your own HvA-ID and password). Make sure to memorize this information or change your password before the exam via https://id.student.hva.nl/home
  • "Starting from September 2024, the HvA has transitioned to a new exam application for administering central digital exams called 'Ans'. To get an impression and become familiar with Ans, you can take a practice test via https://ans.hva.nl. You can log in to Ans using your own HvA-ID and password. Login instructions can be found in this attachment."
  • Plan your route to the exam locations in time. From some train or metro stations it can be a few minutes’ walk to the exam location.
  • Make sure you are at the exam location on time, as you will have to store your belongings in the lockers and check your assigned row on the attendance list in the hallway. Student who are late will be allowed to enter the room once after 20 minutes. After the first 20 minutes have passed it will unfortunately no longer be possible to take the exam.
  • The computers in the examination rooms (locations IWO Red/Rood, IWO Blue/Blauw and NTH) have a Windows operating system. The laptops (locations IWO – Yellow/Geel, World Fashion Center and USC Sports Hall Science Park) have a Google Chrome operating system. Keep this in mind if, for example, you have an Apple Macbook, Keyboard shortcuts may work differently than you are used to.
  • If Excel and/or Word is allowed during the exam, this will be on the exam computer or laptop. Make sure you know how to save a file (File/File > Save as/Save as) so that this does not cause any problems or unnecessary delays during the exam.
  • Sometimes it may happen that your teacher is not present in the room during the exam. However, there are always invigilators, IT support and employees of the exam organization present in the exam hall. They can help with technical problems or they can call the teacher if you have a content-related question.
Published by  AZ editors FBE 19 September 2024