A-Z Students International Business and Management Studies
Intellectual property
Intellectual property (IP) rights can be relevant to any student, lecturer-researcher, researcher or staff member at AUAS who is involved in the development of a new idea or product.
For staff members, the Intellectual Property and Knowledge Valorisation (Impact) Regulations (Regeling Intellectueel Eigendom en Kennisvalorisatie (Doorwerking)) are important. For students and their lecturers, the Guidelines on Intellectual Property (Richtsnoer Intellectueel Eigendom) contains important information on issues such as copyright during work placements and graduation projects.
Who owns the intellectual property?
Below are two concrete examples of situations where intellectual property may play a role:
- You are a student, and during a minor, you get an idea for solving a problem faced by many nationwide care institutions. In collaboration with fellow students, lecturers and/or organisations, you develop your idea into a functional product/method. Who is the owner of this product?
- You are a researcher at AUAS, and in collaboration with other researchers in the Netherlands, you develop a method to increase the historical awareness of pupils in secondary education. The method is well received and becomes popular. Who is the owner of this method?
Why make agreements on intellectual property?
AUAS staff and students increasingly conduct practice-based research. This often leads to the development of new products, services and methods that can be used in professional practice, society and education.
By making agreements on intellectual property rights, you prevent, for example, that companies commercially market your idea or method, or use your product for purposes for which you did intend it to be used when you developed it.
AUAS wants to apply the knowledge that students and staff develop as much as possible. Our Regulations on Intellectual Property (only available in Dutch) provide a framework for making proper agreements on the ownership of knowledge. These Regulations set out the principles for the ownership of intellectual property and are therefore a good basis for making agreements with external partners and clients.
Questions and support
Tips, tricks and answers to your questions about copyright can be found at our online Copyright Information Point .
IXA-HvA, our Knowledge Transfer Office , provides support in the area of intellectual property issues and recording agreements on IP. Please contact Klaas de Vries at or on (020) 525 5417.