A-Z Students International Business and Management Studies

Download Claroread

Please follow the steps below to download Claroread:

  1. Go to www.opdidaktsupplies.nl/school
  2. Select your school
  3. Fill out your studentnumber, name and HvA-emailadres
  4. Click on “Inloggen”

    Your request will be assessed within one day. When your request is approved, you will receive an e-mail with the download link.
  5. Fill out your data and click ‘verstuur’ (send)
  6. Fill out your study programme and year and click ‘verstuur’ (send)
  7. Agree with the general terms and conditions
  8. Click download
  9. Now Claroread will be downloaded

    Note: don’t interrupt the download. You can download the software only once!
  10. You will receive the license key by e-mail
  11. When you have downloaded the software you can install it
  12. Type in the license key and activate the software

    Note: you can only activate once!
  13. Now you can download the manual
Published by  Student Affairs 6 November 2018