A-Z Students International Business and Management Studies
Health and welfare
Student Doctors and Psychologists
All Students enrolled at the AUAS are entitled to use Student Medical Services and the Student Psychologists' Office.
Student doctors
Student doctors operate as a normal general practice, but also have considerable experience in student health matters and knowledge of the University context.
Student Psychologists’ office
Students studying at the AUAS/HvA who experience psychological problems can get help from the Student Psychologists' Office.
General Practitioners for ISMB-students
For ISMB students (who live in the neighbourhood the Dr. Meurerlaan building) we have set up arrangements with two General Practitioners (GP - general doctor) to go to if you have any health problems.
Huisartsenpraktijk Amsterdam West
Doctor Visser
Nolensstraat 358D
Phone.: +31 (02)0 – 448 95 60
E-mail: info@huisartsenpraktijkamsterdamwest.nl
(website is in Dutch)
Every day between 08.00 - 08.45 hrs you can enter this doctor's practise without having an appointment. On Thursday and Friday afternoon you can go to the practise between 16.00 - 16.30 hours without an appointment. Of course you can also set up an appointment via the above given telephone number.
You need to pay the doctor CASH for the consult - approximately 40 euros per visit.
The practise is 6 minutes cycling from our school building and 17 minutes walking.
Huisartsenpraktijk K.D. Reinds
Doctor Reinds (Ms)
Meer en Vaart 58
Phone: +31 (0)20 - 667 1151
This doctor will only accept you with prior appointment, unless it is an emergency. The practise is 2 minutes cycling or 5 minutes walking from our school building.