A-Z Students International Business and Management Studies
Legislation and regulations
You are studying at the AUAS and you have a disability. As a result, you may require assistance during your studies. This assistance could be material, financial or immaterial in nature. To prevent you from getting lost in a sea of legislation and regulations, we recommend that you first arrange a meeting with your programme's student counsellor. Your student counsellor will familiarise you with applicable legislation and regulations and can refer you to the correct parties or institutions.
A large volume of legislation and regulations applies to students with disabilities. These regulations are in place to provide support to people with a disability during their studies and/or finding and keeping a job. This includes, for example, financial support for accommodation costs, transport, or medical aids required for your studies. Benefits are also available via, for example, the UWV (Employee Insurance Agency). The Student Finance Act ( Wet Studiefinanciering) also contains regulations applicable to students with disabilities.
All downloads are in PDF format.
- Teaching and Examination Regulations
- Students Charter 2018-2019
- HvA - UvA Nota Begeleiding van studenten met een functiebeperking (Dutch document)
- Beleidskader Studeren met een Functiebeperking 2013 (Dutch document)
Access to all education for people with a disability or chronic illness is covered by the Equal Treatment Act ( Algemene wet gelijke behandeling, AWGB). This act prohibits discrimination based on a disability or a chronic illness.
The right to equal treatment applies to all sections of education, including access to education, lectures, internships, information regarding the choice of profession and the examinations.
There are two conditions with which modifications/provisions must comply:
- The modification/provision must be suitable.
- The modification/provision must be necessary.
The term ‘suitable’ means that the modification removes a hindrance and boosts independence.
The term ‘necessary’ means that the same goal cannot be achieved otherwise.
The modification must not have disproportionately adverse effects on the programme.
Although the programme must do everything possible to enable students to obtain the desired exit qualifications, it is not the intention that concessions are made regarding the scope and the level of these desired exit qualifications. In short, all graduates – whether disabled or not – must be proficient in the desired exit qualifications.