Opening hours

Opening hours of AUAS buildings and facilities for students, staff and visitors of AUAS may vary per building and holiday season.

Opening hours AUAS buildings

UvA buildings may be open at different times. For information about building opening hours, ask the building concierge or consult the overview of AUAS Locations .

Opening hours Service desk Facility Services

Mon. to Fri.

8:00 - 18:00

T: 020 595 1403
WA: 06 2115 5262

Opening hours Service points and Customer service desks on location

A number of locations has a Service point or Customer service desk. Opening hours may vary per locations.

Please note: The Benno Premsela Building, Koetsier Montaigne building and Muller-Lulofs building do not have service desks. Instead, you can visit the Service Points at the Kohnstamm building or Wibaut building.

Opening hours restaurants, coffee corners and kiosks

You can find all opening hours for restaurants, coffee corners and kiosks at the AUAS on this webpage .

Opening hours copy shops

You can find the opening hours of the AUAS copy shops soon on the Canon website .

Published by  Facility Services 15 June 2022