A-Z Students International Sports, Management and Business (ISMB)
Printing, copying and scanning
You can use the multifunctional printers in the study centres to print, scan and copy documents. Collect your print jobs from any Follow Me printer at the AUAS. The print jobs will remain available for a maximum of 24 hours.
Printing and scanning
- The default prints are A4 format and black and white.
- By default, the printers in the study centres are set to double-sided printing. If you wish, you can also print your document single-sided.
- A black and white print costs €0.05 and a colour print €0.15.
- Scanning is free.
What is the printing procedure?
Follow the instructions in order to configure the printer on your laptop, tablet, smartphone or study workstation.
Printing with a pin code
Want to print but don't have your student or employee card with you? Log into uva.canon.nl and request a pin code. This pin code will allow you to identify yourself at the printer of your choice and print out your document. The pin code is always valid until Sunday night. You will need to create a new pin code every Monday morning.
Payment by student ID card
You can only pay for printing and copying with a valid student ID card that has sufficient credit. Employees print with their employee card. The costs are settled internally per faculty or department based on your number of prints.
Manuals and FAQ
Consult the FAQ and manuals for colour printing etc. on hva.canon.nl.