Sports equipment lending

You can lend sports equipment to use at your internship location or for events in our building. This way you can for example organise more types of sports and games during your internship lessons. The AUAS offers state of the art sporting materials and uses the latest educational insights. The library lending desk is facilitated with the kind help from BRONSPORT.

Practical information lending sports equipment

  • Location: first floor of the Dr. Meurerhuis (B1.46) - Library.
  • Opening hours: on work days between 09:00 – 16:30.
  • Check our catalogue showing both images and names of the materials on offer.
  • Reserve your materials online within the above opening hours. At least 1 hour in advance. You can report to the library lending desk after confirmation and a staff member will walk with you to collect the items and give them to you.
  • You can lend the materials for one week max.
  • If you have any questions, contact our Library Lending Desk at or stop by our lending desk.
Published by  Faculty Sports and Nutrition 29 May 2024