Collaborate on MijnHvA
You will be able to use the digital learning platform ´MijnHvA´ to collaborate with others using a teamsite. You can either use a teamsite within your programme’s ´MijnHvA´ or create one yourself via Depending on the access privileges that you have been given, you will be able to read, contribute or manage a site. If you are the site administrator, you will be able to decide what happens on the site and whom to give which privileges.
What features does a teamsite offer?
- participate in discussions via a discussion list;
- keep a joint calendar;
- keep a to-do list;
- share documents;
- participate in collaborative blogging;
- bundle knowledge in a wiki;
- create and update project schedules;
- create a knowledge database;
- simultaneously edit documents with multiple users;
- post announcements and messages.
How do I create a teamsite?
Please visit . For more information, consult the FAQ .
Key points
- you will also be able to give people outside AUAS access to a teamsite.
- teamsites are temporary. They have a lifespan of six months, with the option to extend them for six-month periods at a time;
- you can create up to five teamsites;
- each teamsite can store up to 250 MB of data;
- you are the administrator of a teamsite; you decide what happens on the site and what privileges to grant other users.