Frequently asked questions

Your resit registration is only complete after clicked the green button ‘Finish Registration, see a green checkmark on your screen and have received the confirmation email.


Solution 1:
The resit is not scheduled in the current exam period. Therefore always first check in whether your resit is scheduled and when the registration period starts. It may well be that the registration period hasn’t started yet or already has ended.

Solution 2:
You are already registered for the examination. Verify this via the 'Registrations/Deregister'overview'

Solution 5:
You are a senior student and no opportunity to register was created for your cohort. Send an e-mail to

Confirmation e-mail not received?

  1. Check you spam folder in your mailbox
  2. Verify via 'Messages' whether the confirmation email has been sent. Confirmation emails are sent automatically within 24 hours
  3. Check your registration again via the 'Registrations/Deregister' overview
  4. If necessary, go on through all the resit registration steps again

Login problems with browser?

​Attention: it is your responsibility to solve any login problems in SIS in time, so you are able to register properly during the resit registration period!

  • Is your browser up to date?
  • Try a different browser
  • Did you add to your list with 'trusted sites'?
  • Are you trying to login from outside the AUAS-network? Then use
  • Contact Service Desk ICTS: 020 - 595 1401

NOTE: Are you doing an internship or are you abroad? Many employers block Login first on the AUAS-environment via before registering via SIS.

Login problems SIS?

Please contact via the Digital Servicepoint

Problems with registering resit SIS?

  • Check again whether the resit is scheduled in
  • Check again if you have followed the Step-by-step Plan correctly in

Note: If any registration problem persists, contact the Service Point at your location immediately and on time, because your call via the digital servicepoint will only be answered within 4 work days!

Taking exams with an temporary relief

An objection or appeal procedure may take a period of time. In order to protect you from any unnecessary disadvantage or study completion delay, a temporary relief may be granted. When appealing against a binding negative study advice (negative BSA), you can request a temporary relief. This means that you can still attend the courses of your degree programme and sit interim examinations. This will prevent a study completion delay if you should eventually win the appeal. The temporary relief will cease to apply when the objection or appeal procedure has ended.

Another example: if your appeal concerns the possibility of late enrolment or an additional resit opportunity, a temporary relief will enable you to resit that interim examination in the meantime. This way, you will not experience any unnecessary delay if your appeal is subsequently upheld.

If the appeal concerns an interim examination, this will not be marked during the procedure: AUAS may only award you a mark if you are validly enrolled or, for example, if it is found that you were entitled to sit the interim examination. In some cases, a mark is still registered in SIS if a lecturer is unaware of the temporary relief. You cannot derive any rights from this mark.

You can only request registration of your academic results if your appeal is upheld (and you enrol with retroactive effect from 1 September if required). If your appeal is DISMISSED, you will not earn credits for any interim examinations you have sat in the meantime, even though you may have passed them.

Read more about the Examination Appeals Board.

Published by  AZ editors FBE 24 September 2024